You're all probably wondering what these things even look like, so. I figured I'd show you.
This is a jar of stars - don't make fun of the picture, I'm having a bad camera day. Or the jar. I like funny shaped jars. And no - that is not a thousand. There are like...two. Maybe three thousand in there. Yeah, I know. Unfortunately, these are not the stars with wishes on them. These are all the ones I have left over from the last year or so, after trying to give away as many as I could.
And this is a look at the stars with the wishes written on them, before and after. Fortunately I write very very tiny. Some of the wishes are so long I have to continue them onto more than one piece of paper - which I am totally ok with since it gives me more stars.
I'm actually waiting for someone to give me the excuse to write a whole story on a sheet of origami paper that I can then cut into strips and make into stars. I think that would be neat.
I have added a few things to the Collective. We have our own email address now, and business cards. Adorable business cards I might add - the little half ones. Feel free to email me with questions or more wishes, anything really.
As for ideas...
I'm going on an adventure for a few days and it is quite liberating. Who wants to go on an adventure and where? And why? What do you want to get away from or get too and how much does it mean to you?