So, I have been living out of my car all summer - you can imagine that makes totting around my star making ...stuff...a little difficult. But I did manage to squish most of it into a travelable form. And I am now filling up a coffee tin instead of keeping them all separated out all nice and pretty like.
The tin is getting pretty damn full. (Ignore the quality of the photo - I'm traveling, remember!)
I hope I don't run out of paper anytime soon!
I wish I could make these all organized and nice again!
I wish I had a puppy! And a beer!
What are you wishing for right now? I could do with a nice hug too. Traveling can get awful lonely...
I wish I had more time to research the creation of non profits so I can figure out if my business idea is worthy. I hope once I figure this out my business with succeed. I wish I didn't have to return to work on Monday. I hope you get a puppy because puppies are wonderful!