Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New idea!

I have a couple of them. I'm writing a book, and designing my apartment (you can't put two theater designers in a blank apartment and not get a design rather than a moving in.) and I'm working my way into a new job. It's fun and constantly giving me new ideas.

Like this! I found these shallow-ish glass bowl like things - people usually put flowers in them, I guess - and I am filling them with stars and sticking a bunch of business cards in them. I came up with this as another option for business owners instead of the bubblegum machines. Their low maintenance and actually kind of pretty. Ok, they're really pretty. And easy to mail! Let me know if you want one.

Also! Let me know wishes! Plodding along steadily with this wish jar. Really hoping to have a jar to sell before the end of the year.

I wish I could get enough wishes to fill my thousand star jar.
I hope the holidays are not hectic.
I futilely wish for no show. sigh.

We're getting to the end of a semester, and a regular old year. What do you hope happens over the holidays? What wishes do you have for family and friends and the new year? Share!