Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm back!

I'm back! And I'm moving. Bleh.

I am pretty sure I have a place for a machine, in Worschester (spelling? Sigh.) Mass. in a fantastic bakery. So there! It's possible! Tell your friends! The ones, preferably, who own establishments that would like to have machines full of tiny adorable origami stars in them. Because, seriously, if I make any more of these things, they are going to fill every single container I have that could even hold stars. All of them. I'm tired of emptying them out of my soup bowls when I want a bowl of soup.

I wish I had moved and was settled.
I hope I get this apartment I'm looking at soon.
I also hope this whole adventure I'm embarking on goes well.

We're staring fall right in the face - what do you wish you'd done this summer? What do you hope to do for the fall? Who do you want to save?

Don't be shy, tell your friends, come back later when you think of another one, or write me a page or two of ones you've been saving up. I don't mind.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

So much travel...

So, I have been living out of my car all summer - you can imagine that makes totting around my star making ...stuff...a little difficult. But I did manage to squish most of it into a travelable form. And I am now filling up a coffee tin instead of keeping them all separated out all nice and pretty like.

The tin is getting pretty damn full. (Ignore the quality of the photo - I'm traveling, remember!)

I hope I don't run out of paper anytime soon!
I wish I could make these all organized and nice again!
I wish I had a puppy! And a beer!

What are you wishing for right now? I could do with a nice hug too. Traveling can get awful lonely...

Saturday, August 13, 2011


One of my favorite things about travel is sharing what I have with other people and getting new things in return - ideas, thoughts, food, customs, accents. So far I have adopted the way they say "no" and "do" and "sittle dune." (settle down) I have fallen in love with Crunchies - which are chocolate with honey comb in them! And foxes biscuits. And steak pies. I'm pretty sure I can manage to make a steak pie. I'm going to try it when I get back.
In return I've been making stars left and right, showing people, handing out cards and looking for a likely candidate to host a machine. I need to come up with a better spiel though. Even though my life is completely insane, being able to make these stars is a constant that I can take anywhere with me. It is a grounding piece to my life.

I wish I could think of a better, shorter way to explain my project.
I hope I can see all the things at Festival that I want too.

Are you at Fringe? What did you love? What stories did you hear? What wishes are floating around in your brains? Share!