Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Website!

Ok! This will officially be my last post to this blog.

To submit your wishes, please go to


It's still in the beginning stages, but I hope to expand soon.

Tell all your friends!

(I'm so excited!)

Friday, March 8, 2013

New Things!

Hello World!

I have some fun news! I have been interviewed for a Salt students radio show, about a month ago - which was fantastic. And tomorrow I am going to be interviewed for a Who I Met blog. Exciting! I am not good at interviews, but I trust these people to make me not sound weird. I will get links to you all for both as soon as possible.

I am also thinking about expanding in some way. I came up with some interesting ideas for a kit for teachers to reward their students with (younger grades, obviously.) I have also attempted to start up a twitter account...I'm not sure if it works...but. You should follow me! If you search for @wishingstarcol, it should come up. Whats with not being able to put in the full name, by the way? I was not pleased with that. But then, I should know better, it is kind of an epically long name.

On another note, wishingstarcollective.blogspot.com will be moving soon! We will be living at wishingstarcollective.com, hopefully with a fancy new way to post wishes, that doesn't involve digging into posts. All anonymous, of course.

And that is that!

I hope the website looks fantastic.
I wish I could spend more time just working on this project.
I wish I had realized my email wasn't forwarding...sorry to anyone I didn't get too sooner!