Friday, December 3, 2010

It's That Time of Year

It's that time of year, when all you can think of are the holidays. Finding the perfect present, giving the best hints, securing that secret hiding spot. And forgetting about the wrapping paper, of course.

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!

That's a lie, I already have those. I want wishes! I want piles and piles of wishes! I want so many wishes that I can't keep up with them.

So, what do you hope you're getting for loot this year? What do you wish you could buy your favorite friends and family? What miracle do you dream about?

I'm exploring a bunch of options to make the Wishing Star Collective an even bigger success than it already is. Kickstarter has gone well, and rewards are being sent out, and ideas are breeding like crazy. Each idea starts as something crazy and then slowly matures into a maybe and then eventually turns into a Tada! I'm hoping for one or two more tada's before the end of the year.

More pictures to come, of the rewards being sent out, and other potential goodies.

But I can't do it without you.


  1. I wish that I didn't feel imprisoned by time limits for silly things. For instance, I can't send out thank you cards if more than a month has gone by or I can't respond to an email or phone call after two or three weeks because I think it would be rude. But most especially, I wish I didn't have this self imposed crazy person restriction because then I would be able to tell this one guy that I've liked him since we worked together and I'm sorry for being horribly awkward when we had that class together, but seriously, what am I supposed to say to him? When talking about leagues, he's WAY out of mine. I'm in the league you send your child to when she's just developing hand-eye coordination skills and the ball is resting on that little post thingy and EVEN THEN I can't hit the ball, and he's like, well, he's designated hitter for the Red Sox. Or some other worthy allusion to baseball greatness.

    Or maybe I'd be boondocks community college and he'd be Ivy league.

    Actually, I really wish he would say something to me, that way I wouldn't have to be the one to grow a pair.

  2. My wish for Christmas includes world domination. Weirdly, sometimes I wish that my Christmas wishes won't come true.
